"I know after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock" (Acts 20:29). Heavenly Father: it is not the rise of Islam; it is not other anti-Christ religions like Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, the Watchtower Society, apostate liberal denominations, or Atheism. None of these Christ-less, outside influences pose the greatest, present danger to Your … [Read more...]
Penciled Prayers: No Knowledge of God in the Land
"There is no faithfulness or steadfast love, and no knowledge of God in the land..." (Hosea 4). Father, the other night on Stephen Avenue, in downtown Calgary, I was struck yet again with the mind-numbing ignorance manifested in those who are in wanton rebellion against You. Both Canada and the United States are being destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Both countries play the … [Read more...]
The Death of a Rose: Gay Marriage Through the Streets of Pasadena
On what is forecasted to be a gorgeous New Year's Day morning in warm and sunny Southern California, millions of people will gather on the streets of Pasadena and around their televisions for the 125th annual Tournament of Roses Parade. Elaborate floats, marching bands, and equestrian teams will slowly make their way down the parade route. Having seen the parade in person, and … [Read more...]
Tony Miano – Week in Review
Cross Encounters Radio "Takin' Youth Min to the Woodshed" Tony explains what's wrong with the "Candyman" mentality of most youth ministries and the sugar coated false conversions it generates. New segment aired "Bad Tweets", this one featured one by none other than Joyce Meyer herself. Update on "Should She Preach" and Tony answers a listener's question, "Can a person know … [Read more...]
Week in Review – Arrest, Wimbledon and Tony Miano
Cross Encounters Radio "You're Doing it Wrong!" Chris and Rich covered an update from Tony's evangelism efforts in the UK. Friendship Evangelism is alive and well there and it seems the locals were making sure Tony knew about it. "Arrested in Wimbledon" Tony stepped back in the host seat to share about his experiences at the Wimbledon Outreach. He discussed his arrest … [Read more...]
Cross Encounters – Week in Review
Cross Encounters Radio Tony's guests included Christian rapper Jovan Mackenzy, and abortion abolitionist (and full-time mom) Shauna Lopez. During the broadcast Jovan shared how James White and Phil Johnson came to be included in the free download album The Narrow Road: FAMINE Shauna shared her advice and opinion on a woman's role in evangelism. As a … [Read more...]
Who is Matthew Vine, and Why Should Christians Care?
According to the biography on his website, Matthew Vines is: ". . . an is an advocate for the acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people within Christian communities and in society at large. He lives in Wichita, Kansas. Matthew attended Harvard University from 2008 to 2010. He then took a leave of absence in order to research the Bible and homosexuality … [Read more...]