No matter who’s President of the United States, Jesus is King!
The back of the gospel tract reads as follows:
The President of the United States is an elected official. He is indirectly elected to office by the people, through the Electoral College. He is the head of the Executive Branch of the federal government. He is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces. The president may hold office for two four-year terms. The president is one of the most powerful persons on earth. While presidents come and go, there is one Eternal King. His name is Jesus. He is not elected by popular vote. No one makes Jesus “Lord.” No mere man enthrones the Eternal King. He is the only Sovereign who is the Lord of every person. You will one-day bow your knee and acknowledge Him as your King. It is this Jesus, the God-Man who, with God the Father, will judge you according to the Law He has written on your heart. You know it is wrong to lie, steal, take God’s name in vain, engage in sexual immorality, or hate another human being because you were created in the image of God, and God is not a liar, thief, blasphemer, fornicator, adulterer, or murderer. Because God is good, He must punish sin. The punishment He has determined for sin is eternity in hell. Yet God has also provided a way for you to be declared innocent and receive His forgiveness. Your only hope is for Jesus, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, to save you from the wrath of God. God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. He was and is fully God and fully man, yet without sin. He voluntarily shed his innocent blood and died on the cross, taking upon Himself the punishment you rightly deserve for your sins against God. Three days later, He forever defeated sin and death when He rose from the grave. Repent and believe the gospel while God has given you time.
This gospel tract is available at One Million Tracts.
When it comes to writing and publishing gospel tracts, Ray Comfort taught me this: “Tony, don’t ever publish a gospel tract that you won’t use.” Sage advice from a prolific gospel tract writer who has published far fewer tracts than he has written.
I believe this gospel tract will certainly pique the curiosity of people on the streets, college and university campuses, political events, and outside polling places. I also believe the tract will prove useful outside the political season. Fourth of July, Presidents Day, or any time the president is in the news for any significant reason.
What I like most about this tract (after the declaration of Jesus as King and the gospel message, of course) is the up front and provocative content of the front of the tract. “No matter who’s president, Jesus is King!” When a person receives this gospel tract they will know immediately what kind of message they are receiving, or what kind of message they are rejecting.
The front of the tract will also provide an interesting segue into gospel conversations. You can ask the person to whom you’ve tried to hand the tract something like this: “Who do you think has more power in this world: the President of the United States or Jesus Christ?” The first follow-up question, after the person answers the initial question can simply be: “Why?”
As with all of the tracts we produce together, Marv and I hope this one will be useful to you in your evangelism efforts.
Mary-Ann Schmidt says
Where is this tract available to purchase? It’s a great tract especially for an election year. The website, “onemilliondollartracts” is not available. Please advise. Thank you.
Stephanie Carsillo says
These tracts have been listed as “out of stock” for quite a while. I’ve reached out several times to see if they would be reprinted and no one is getting back to me. Frustrating!!!
Tony Miano says
Sorry to hear that. Email Marv Plementosh directly at: [email protected].