What you are about to read is a parable about creation, design, atheism, and the absurdity of Darwinian Evolution. An Amazing Talent Jennifer Szczyrbak is a dear, sweet sister in Christ who, in my estimation, is an amazing talent. She is a sculptor, painter, photographer, and blogger. Jennifer makes her home and has her studio in Minnesota and the shorelines of the "Land of … [Read more...]
Darrell Brooks Has a Fool for a Client; Do You?
Darrell Brooks has a fool for a client. Do you? Read on to learn why I make the assertion and ask you, the reader, the question. Lincoln's Famous Quote Prior to becoming the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer. We have no shortage of memorable quotes from the man most consider to be one of, if not the greatest presidents in American history. I … [Read more...]
In Memory of Jorge: Living on Infinite Regress Avenue in Absurdityville
This article was originally posted on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. A Day on the Streets with Jorge and Andrew Yesterday, I was really blessed. The Lord gave me the opportunity to take to the streets of Los Angeles with two younger brothers in Christ--Jorge and Andrew. These two men of God co-lead the Evangelism Society at The Master's College, where they are both students. Jorge … [Read more...]
Tim Stratton’s “Free Thinking Argument”: A Critique
Written By: Sye Ten Bruggencate Edited By: Tony Miano Editor's Note I am a strong proponent, but only a fair-to-middling practitioner of presuppositional apologetics. It is, in my opinion, the closest one can come to the truth of Scripture and to the heart and mind of God in the area of apologetics. Several years ago, I met a man who would become a dear friend. He is, … [Read more...]
Abortion: Yes, They are Murderers
Karen Swallow Prior has quite the resume. She is an award-winning English Literature professor at Liberty University. She is a research fellow with the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), of the Southern Baptist Convention. And she is a member of the Humane Society's ecumenical Faith Council (yep, there's a committee for everything). She's a published author and, … [Read more...]
Martin’s Faith in Meaninglessness
While distributing gospel tracts on Wimbledon Hill Road, in Wimbledon, England, I handed a gospel tract to a man named Martin. When Martin received the tract, he asked what it was. When I explained to Martin that it was a message about Jesus Christ, Martin asserted he was an atheist. What followed was a 15-minute conversation during which Martin acknowledged he had to draw from … [Read more...]
“Debating Dillahunty” – A Review
In Sye Ten Bruggencate's first film, How To Answer the Fool, viewers were given a glimpse of the mind of God. In his second film, Debating Dillahunty, viewers are given a glimpse of the heart of God. For the record, and for the purpose of full disclosure. I am an unapologetic apologist for Sye Ten Bruggencate. He is my friend. I love him as my brother in Christ, and I am … [Read more...]